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Our school is one of the best schools in Sonipat . It consists of a well furnished building. Our school has all the facilities such as airy classrooms, bestlaboratories, a big library with a huge collection of books, a vast playground. There is a motorway leading from the main entrance. The playground is on the right of the motorway and a big garden on the left. When you enter the school, the Principal's room is on the right. They all are well furnished.

There are 20 classrooms. Our Laboratories are well equipped. The school library has an up-to-date collection of books on many subjects. Our school has prescribed a uniform for students. Our Principal is very strict as he pays strict attention to behavior punctuality and cleanliness.


PM SHRI schools aim to become exemplar schools in which every student feels welcomed and cared for, where a safe and stimulating learning environment exists, where a wide range of learning experiences are offered, and where good physical infrastructure and appropriate resources conducive to learning are available to all students. Ourbelief is that there is a magician, a dancer,an orator, apainter, an engineer and an artist hidden in every child waiting to be discovered. We ensure that every child is special and need to be carved in a special way with all the talent and skills hidden in that pure soul. The motto of the school is ‘Knowledge is Sparks’ It is endeavor to make education a purposeful, meaningful and an enjoyable experience.


PM Shri School will nurture lifelong learners who carry the acumen and desire to learn, unlearn and relearn at all spectrums of life to become engaged, productive, and contributing citizens for building an equitable, inclusive, and plural society as envisaged by the National Education Policy 2020. PM Shri GGSSS Sonipat supports new education policy that emphasizes universal access to school and vocational education in simple words learning by doing. The focus is on challenging the students to explore new ideas and to bring out best of their capabilities and skills. It is an institution that believes in going beyond academics and places special emphasis on extracurricularactivities, skilled education and learning by doing.